Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lino Chop

This is a carving in linoleum of my initials. After the background of the chop was carved out I used ink on the linoleum to print it on to printing paper. It shows pattern, line, and value.

Chuck Close

This is an acrylic painting done on a board in the style of Chuck Close. I have chose to style it after one of his more abstract pieces. It shows color with all the different boxes having different colors, line shown by the the box lines,  emphasis on the face in the image, and space shown by the use of the background. It also shows contrast, shape and form.


This is a painting of a flower done in the style of Georgia O'Keefe. It is done in acrylic paint on a board. It shows emphasis mainly through the emphasis I placed on the part of the flower I chose to focus on. It also shows pattern in the center part of the flower, and space by the use of the background as negative space. Finally it also shows shape, color, and texture.

Silk Screen

This is a silk screen piece done of a dreamcatcher. It is a four layer screen print, done in ink on printing paper. It shows color by all the colors used, line through the black parts, emphasis by the emphasis placed on just the dreamcatcher, and also shape and form.

Lino Print Color

This is a print of a carving in a piece of linoleum. This is the same as the black and white, except it is done in color and shows color, line, movement, contrast and shape.

Lino Print Black & White

This is a print of a linoleum carving of dolphins under the water. the linoleum was rolled with printing ink then printed onto a piece of printing paper. This print shows, movement through the water lines, value and contrast through the color choice, shape, and line shown by the different uses of line shape, size and direction.


This is a timeline of art history. It shows European and Non-European art from the year 3000 BCE to the year 2000 CE. The European is on the bottom and the Non-European art is on the top of the timeline.